In the animated movie, Disney's Moana, the Kakamora are deceptive scavengers who travel the sea, playing tricks on anyone who approaches, including Moana of Oceania when they try to trap her boat. Imagine Moana and her foraging foes on oceanic adventures! The Kakamora figures in this set are delightfully surprising as kids can help change their expressions. Twist the top of one of the figure's head to change his expression from happy to angry. The other figure's expression changes when his face is dipped in cold water. Copyright Disney Hasbro and all related terms are trademarks of Hasbro.
- Twist top of figure to reveal angry face
- Use water to change expression on the second Kakamora
- Disney's Moana doll comes with removable accessories
- Ages 3 and up
- Includes doll, outfit, necklace, oar, and 2 figures.